Since I am involved in the field of Agriculture, 99% of the posted ads will have to do with farm animals. I don't spend a lot of time on Craiglist, but when I come across an ad that angers me, I will post it on this blog. This will hopefully keep me from replying to the ad!!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The First Ad-VT

I have a fleabitten white arabian, 18 year old mare. She is in great condition. She is not trained to be ridden but has excellent manners. I rescued her a year ago from a bad situation where someone had 20 horses to be shipped to slaughter. I rescued a few of them. I want to be able to train this mare but I really can not have any thing to do with her. . I want to find this mare a really GREAT HOME! ! ! Possibly where someone can train this mare or have her as an amazing pasture mate. She is a great acting horse out in the pasture. I want HER TO GO TO A GOODDDDD HOMMMMMEEEEE!!!! I live in ***** with this mare so please call or text me.  thanks!:)

What is a fleabitten white horse? It doesn't matter that she is an Arabian. She is an 18 year old UNTRAINED horse!
When you "rescued" this mare, all you did was move it from one bad situation to another. The only person that is going to want this mare is Joe Kill-Buyer, who will give it a home in Canada! Do the poor mare a favor and have it euthanized by a vet. Don't have the money? Work-out a payment plan with the vet. It costs about the same to humanely euthanize a horse, as a months feed. If this horse is boarded, you could probably afford a funeral with pall-bearers!

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